Sunday, November 13, 2011


I have had the pleasure of knowing Ms. Alysia {Uh-Lee-Sha, for those who pronounce it wrong} for just over a year now... Until recently, I hadn't had the courage to ask her to be my model... Well, after countless hours spent at work chatting about life, boys, kids and talking things through that we couldn't figure out our own, we became closer. Close enough to know exactly what the other is thinking by reading her face and not hearing words escape her mouth. She opened up... And so did my shutter ;)

Here are a few shots from our outing... Her Prince Charming even joined us for a few shots!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Barnes Family

Made a trip over to Indianapolis to meet with some friends and do a shoot for their family. I had never been to the Coxhall Gardens, but hope to find myself there quite a bit in the future for other shoots... It was GORGEOUS! I was very pleased with our weather, despite a little breeze, and all of the marvelous little nooks and crannies to take pictures in.

Plus, it sure does help to have a beautiful family to take pictures of...